If you are looking for a good EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapist in Saint Louis, Missouri, you are in luck. We in the Saint Louis area are fortunate to have a strong, vibrant, well-trained, well-connected EMDR community thanks to the leadership of several people including Sheri Rezak-Irons, an EMDRIA Coordinator. Sheri began practicing EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) in 1993, (its inception was 1989), becoming a certified EMDR practitioner and an EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) Consultant. She received her training under the supervision of Dr. Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. the founder of EMDR.
Sheri is an EMDR Institute facilitator, and as such she works at EMDR Institute training events. As a St. Louis EMDRIA Regional Coordinator, Sheri organizes and coordinates EMDR workshops and activities and is one of the leading EMDR consultants in the Saint Louis area providing ongoing training and support for EMDR practitioners in the certification process and who wish to increase their skills. Sheri has made sure that EMDR practitioners in the Saint Louis area have access to the most updated trainings by the most accomplished master clinicians in the EMDR community.
If you are in the Saint Louis area and you want to find an EMDR therapist I would suggest you start by looking an EMDRIA Certified EMDR therapist. A clinician who is EMDRIA Certified has been licensed in their profession for independent practice and has had a minimum of two years of experience in their field. They have completed an EMDRIA approved training program in EMDR therapy, have conducted a minimum of fifty clinical sessions in which EMDR was utilized, and have received twenty hours of consultation in EMDR by EMDR Approved Consultant and have received 12 hours of EMDR training every two years.
Below is the EMDRIA “Find a Therapist” link. Just enter your zip code and preferences to find an EMDR therapist in your area,
EMDR has become widely used by all disciplines in the psychotherapy community. When you are choosing an EMDR therapist, just like with any other type of psychotherapy, it’s important to choose a professional that you feel comfortable with. Some people prefer working with male therapists or female therapists, or people of similar backgrounds to themselves. Many therapists offer a free phone consultation. If, after the first few sessions with your chosen therapist, it doesn’t feel like a good fit or you feel things are moving too fast, you should not hesitate to seek a second opinion. Sometimes it takes a few trials before one meets the right match for intense work.
Because there are only so many hours in the day and most therapists see clients on the hour and every week to two weeks, it doesn’t take long for good therapists to end up with a full practice. Don’t despair. Good therapists know good therapists. When a prospective EMDR client calls me and I can’t see them, I try to connect them with an EMDR therapist whom I know can see them. I believe in the power of EMDR that much. Good luck on your EMDR journey!
About Barbara Edelman, MSW, LCSW
I am a Licensed Psychotherapist in Saint Louis, MO.
I am certified in EMDR and specialize in treating Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and Trauma in adults and adolescents and helping my clients develop a sense of peace, comfort and connection in their lives and relationships.
If you have anxiety or depression or think you may have unresolved trauma and would like to work with a Saint Louis area therapist who specializes in anxiety and trauma, please contact me for a free 15-minute phone consultation at 314-780-4906 or email me now to schedule a time barbedelmantherapist@gmail.com or visit my website at www.barbaraedelmanmsw.com.